Bibita Italian To English
With reverso you can find the italian translation definition or synonym for bibita analcolica and thousands of other words.
Bibita italian to english. The english for bibita is drink. Translations in context of bibita in italian english from reverso context. Bibita translate into english with the italian english dictionary cambridge dictionary. English translation of bibita the official collins italian english dictionary online.
By using our services you agree to our use of cookies. Wikipedia lexilogos juripole sapere dizionario italiano freelang wordreference oxford collins dictionaries. Bibita translation in italian english dictionary. You can complete the translation of bibita analcolica given by the italian english collins dictionary with other dictionaries.
Wikipedia lexilogos juripole sapere dizionario italiano freelang wordreference oxford collins dictionaries. Many translated example sentences containing bibita english italian dictionary and search engine for english translations. Scrittrice aquila lampada moneta felicità liquido da bere drink beverage n noun. Identifica un essere un oggetto o un concetto che assume genere femminile.
Bibita nf sostantivo femminile. You can complete the translation of bibita given by the italian english collins dictionary with other dictionaries. Refers to person place thing quality etc. Bibita rinfrescante bibita analcolica bibita gassata.
Over 100 000 english translations of italian words and phrases.